We really want to say how much we both enjoyed our Roving Southern Explorer tour. We already knew that with you involved it was going to be a most enjoyable tour – but were blown away with the content of the itinerary, and the inclusions – a hearty congratulations to you and the Roving Kiwi team.
Lots of folk have asked us about the tour, and particularly the campervan experience. Our stock reply has been:
“It was an exceptionally good break, and by campervanning we achieved more than we could have done by hotelling/motelling, i.e. high-country sheep station, deer farm, and other freedom camping situations. All told we travelled over 3,000 kms round the central and southern South Island. It surprised me somewhat that Pam & I were still on good speaking terms after 17 nights and 18 days in very close proximity to each other – the confinement of a campervan takes a little practice and negotiation to get used to, but is obviously achievable!
It was all laid out in an itinerary booklet detailing each day’s travel, including places of interest to visit each day, if you wished. It wasn’t a ‘convoy’ tour, and you were free to do your own thing each day, meeting up for ‘sun-downers’ at the end-of-day destination.
In the past, Pam and I had visited most of the places we went to – but we couldn’t believe how much we’d missed along the way, or at our daily destinations. A lot of the things we did were those that you tend not to do due to the expense, time involved, or other constraints. The tour and the Roving Kiwi Company are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Malcolm and Pam Ward.